Elements of Mechanical Engineering PDF (EME)- All Units
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Elements of Mechanical Engineering subject unit wise concepts are attached in the form of links after the Question bank.
Question Bank for Elements of Mechanical Engineering:
The Unit wise questions of EME were presented below.
Long Questions
- Derive an expression for thermal efficiency of Otto cycle with it’s P-V & T-S diagrams.
- Explain the applications of 1st law of thermodynamics to closed system or non-flow system.
- Derive an expression for thermal efficiency of Carnot cyclewith it’s P-V & T-S diagrams.
- what is open system,closed system andisolated system? Give practical examples of each.
- Derive an expression for thermal efficiency of Diesel cycle with it’s P-V & T-S diagrams.
Short Questions
- State the zeroth law of thermodynamics.
- Define the terms system, boundary and surroundings.
- Define first law of thermodynamics.
- What is the difference between intensive and extensive properties?
- Give the Kelvin-Planck statement of the second law of Thermodynamics?
- Give the classification of heat engine.
Long Questions
- Explain the working principle of 4-stroke S.I engine with neat sketch.
- Explain the working principle of 4-stroke C.I engine with neat sketch.
- Compare ‘Fire-tube and water-tube’ boilers.
- Give the construction and working of the Babcock and Wilcox boiler.
- Explain the components of internal combustion engine with neat sketch
- How are the internal combustion engines classified?
- Define high pressure boilers? Explain its types?
- Explain the construction and working of Cochran boiler?
Short Questions
- List out parameters to be estimated for the evaluation of performance of I.C. Engine.
- What are the functions of a lubrication system in I.C engine?
- What are the various components of Steam Power plant?
- What is Cochran boiler?
- Name some boiler mountings and accessories.
- Define high pressure boiler? List its types.
- Distinguish between SI &CI Engine
- What is the need of cooling in IC Engines?
- What are the advantages of SI engine over CI engine?
- List the boilers under natural and forced circulation?
Long Questions
- Explain the principle and working of a centrifugal pump with a neat sketch
- Explain the principle and working of a Pelton wheel with a neat sketch
- Explain the working of vapor compression refrigeration system with the help of neat sketch
- Explain the working of vapor absorption refrigeration system with the help of neat sketch
- Explain the principle and working of a Francis turbine with a neat sketch
- Explain the principle and working of a Kaplan turbine with a neat sketch
Short Questions
- What are the various components of Hydro-electric power plant?
- Define pump and turbine?
- What is refrigeration?
- What is the purpose of priming?
- List the components of Kaplan turbine
- What is the function of economizer?
- What is Centrifugal pump?
Long Questions
- List properties and application of aluminum and its alloys
- Explain the manufacturing process of steel by Bessemer Converter?
- Discuss briefly about Composite materials and its types?
- What are alloying elements on steels? how do they affect on the properties of steel?
- Explain the manufacturing process of steel by Arc Furnace?
- List properties and applications of ceramics?
- List properties and application of copper and its alloys
- Explain constituents of cast iron along with its types?
Short Questions
- what are the mechanical properties of metallic materials?
- classify the engineering materials
- Give the properties of ceramics
- write short notes on copper alloys
- what are the types of steels?
- what is the working principle of arc furnace
- list the fabrication methods of composites
Long Questions
- Explain with neat sketch the working of belt drive.
- Explain in detail the basic principle of contact clutch with the help of neat sketch.
- Explain the purpose and basic principle of block brakes.
- What is chain drive? Explain its types.
Short Questions
- Differentiate between a brake and a clutch.
- Classify the Gear drive.
- Name parts of the pulley.
- What is shafting?
- Give the Terminology of spur gear.
- Write about Gear trains?
- List the types of belts used in belt drive?
- What is the purpose of brake and clutch?
- What is compound gear train?
- What is simple gear train?
- Define the following terms of terminology of gear a) Module b) pitch circle c) addendum d) deddendum etc..
Long Questions
- Describe briefly the components of robot.(or) Anatomy of robot
- Explain adaptive control with neat sketch.
- Write shot notes on CNC Boring, CNCTapping, CNC Drilling.
- Write a brief note on NC and CNC Turning centers.
- Explain horizontal and vertical spindles of machinetools?
Short Questions
- Define Robot?
- What is CNC?
- List the applications of robot.
- What is CNC contouring?
- What is machining center?
- What are the components of the CNC machine tool?
Unit-1: Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics
Visit the below links:
- Laws of Thermodynamics [Zeroth, First, Second & Third]
- Types of Thermodynamic System
- Carnot Cycle Derivation
- Otto Cycle Derivation
- Diesel Cycle Derivation
Unit 2:Internal Combustion Engines
For the above Information, Click Here
Lubrication of IC Engines-Properties of Lubricant and Types of Lubrication Systems
- SI Engine and Derivation of Otto Cycle
- Working of 4 stroke CI Engine and Diesel Cycle
- Difference between SI Engines and CI Engines
2.2 Steam Power Plant, Boilers, Steam Turbines:
- The layout of Steam Power Plant
- Water Tube and Fire Tube Boilers
- Cochran Boiler
- Babcock and Wilcox Boiler
- High-Pressure Boilers (Benson Boiler and La-mont Boiler)
2.3 Steam Turbine
- Impulse Turbines and Reaction Turbines
Unit 3: Pumps, Turbines, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
3.1 Hydraulic Pumps and Turbines
- Centrifugal Pump
- Reciprocating Pump
- Pelton Wheel Turbine
- Francis Turbine
- Kaplan Turbine
- Hydraulic Turbine: Definition, Classification, Advantages, Disadvantages & Applications
3.2 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems
- Basic Concepts of Refrigeration
- Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle
- Vapor Absorption Refrigeration Cycle
Unit 4: Engineering Materials
- Classification of Engineering Materials
- Mechanical Properties of Materials
- Ferrous Materials-Constituents of Cast Iron and Types of Cast Iron
- Manufacture of Steel by Bessemer Converter
- Manufacture of Steel by Electric Arc Furnace Method
- Types of Steels and their properties
- Non-Ferrous Metals: Properties and Applications of Aluminium & Alloys, Copper & Alloys.
- Composite Materials-Types, Fabrication methods.
- Ceramics-Properties and Applications.
Unit 5: Transmission Systems
Concepts under Transmission systems will be updated soon...
Unit 6: Robot and Sensors
6.1 Introduction, Definition Components of Robot and Classification of Robot, Vision Sensing, SCU, RCU
6.2 CNC Machine Tools:
It will be updated soon...