
Elements of Mechanical Engineering PDF (EME)- All Units

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Elements of Mechanical Engineering subject unit wise concepts are attached in the form of links after the Question bank.

Question Bank for Elements of Mechanical Engineering:

The Unit wise questions of EME were presented below.

Long Questions

  1. Derive an expression for thermal efficiency of Otto cycle with it’s P-V & T-S diagrams.
  2. Explain the applications of 1st law of thermodynamics to closed system or non-flow system.
  3. Derive an expression for thermal efficiency of Carnot cyclewith it’s P-V & T-S diagrams.
  4. what is open system,closed system andisolated system? Give practical examples of each.
  5. Derive an expression for thermal efficiency of Diesel cycle with it’s P-V & T-S diagrams.

Short Questions

  1. State the zeroth law of thermodynamics.
  2. Define the terms system, boundary and surroundings.
  3. Define first law of thermodynamics.
  4. What is the difference between intensive and extensive properties?
  5. Give the Kelvin-Planck statement of the second law of Thermodynamics?
  6. Give the classification of heat engine.

Long Questions

  1.  Explain the working principle of 4-stroke S.I engine with neat sketch.
  2. Explain the working principle of 4-stroke C.I engine with neat sketch.
  3. Compare ‘Fire-tube and water-tube’ boilers.
  4. Give the construction and working of the Babcock and Wilcox boiler.
  5. Explain the components of internal combustion engine with neat sketch
  6. How are the internal combustion engines classified?
  7. Define high pressure boilers? Explain its types?
  8. Explain the construction and working of Cochran boiler?

Short Questions

  1. List out parameters to be estimated for the evaluation of performance of  I.C. Engine.
  2. What are the functions of a lubrication system in I.C engine?
  3. What are the various components of Steam Power plant?
  4. What is Cochran boiler?
  5. Name some boiler mountings and accessories.
  6. Define high pressure boiler? List its types.
  7. Distinguish between SI &CI Engine
  8. What is the need of cooling in IC Engines?
  9. What are the advantages of SI engine over CI engine?
  10. List the boilers under natural and forced circulation?

Long Questions

  1. Explain the principle and working of a centrifugal pump with a neat sketch
  2. Explain the principle and working of a Pelton wheel with a neat sketch
  3. Explain the working of vapor compression refrigeration system with the help of neat sketch
  4. Explain the working of vapor absorption refrigeration system with the help of neat sketch
  5. Explain the principle and working of a Francis turbine with a neat sketch
  6. Explain the principle and working of a Kaplan turbine with a neat sketch

Short Questions

  1. What are the various components of Hydro-electric power plant?
  2.  Define pump and turbine?
  3. What is refrigeration?
  4. What is the purpose of priming?
  5. List the components of Kaplan turbine
  6. What is the function of economizer?
  7. What is Centrifugal pump?

Long Questions

  1. List properties and application of aluminum and its alloys
  2. Explain the manufacturing process of steel by Bessemer Converter?
  3. Discuss briefly about Composite materials and its types?
  4. What are alloying elements on steels? how do they affect on the properties of steel?
  5. Explain the manufacturing process of steel by Arc Furnace?
  6. List properties and applications of ceramics?
  7. List properties and application of copper and its alloys
  8. Explain constituents of cast iron along with its types?

Short Questions

  1. what are the mechanical properties of metallic materials?
  2. classify the engineering materials
  3. Give the properties of ceramics
  4. write short notes on copper alloys
  5. what are the types of steels?
  6. what is the working principle of arc furnace
  7. list the fabrication methods of composites

Long Questions

  1. Explain with neat sketch the working of belt drive.
  2. Explain in detail the basic principle of contact clutch with the help of neat sketch.
  3. Explain the purpose and basic principle of block brakes.
  4. What is chain drive? Explain its types.

Short Questions

  1. Differentiate between a brake and a clutch.
  2. Classify the Gear drive.
  3. Name parts of the pulley.
  4. What is shafting?
  5. Give the Terminology of spur gear.
  6. Write about Gear trains?
  7. List the types of belts used in belt drive?
  8. What is the purpose of brake and clutch?
  9. What is compound gear train?
  10. What is simple gear train?
  11. Define the following terms of terminology of gear a) Module b) pitch circle c) addendum d) deddendum etc..

Long Questions

  1. Describe briefly the components of robot.(or) Anatomy of robot
  2. Explain adaptive control with neat sketch.
  3. Write shot notes on CNC Boring, CNCTapping, CNC Drilling.
  4. Write a brief note on NC and CNC Turning centers.
  5. Explain horizontal and vertical spindles of machinetools?

Short Questions

  1. Define Robot?
  2. What is CNC?
  3. List the applications of robot.
  4. What is CNC contouring?
  5. What is machining center?
  6. What are the components of the CNC machine tool?

Unit-1: Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics

Visit the below links:

Unit 2:Internal Combustion Engines

For the above Information, Click Here

Cooling Systems in IC Engine

Lubrication of IC Engines-Properties of Lubricant and Types of Lubrication Systems

2.2 Steam Power Plant, Boilers, Steam Turbines:

2.3 Steam Turbine

  • Impulse Turbines and Reaction Turbines

Unit 3: Pumps, Turbines, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

3.1 Hydraulic Pumps and Turbines

3.2 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems

Unit 4: Engineering Materials

Unit 5: Transmission Systems

Concepts under Transmission systems will be updated soon...

Unit 6: Robot and Sensors

6.1 Introduction, Definition  Components of Robot and Classification of Robot, Vision Sensing, SCU, RCU

6.2 CNC Machine Tools:

It will be updated soon...

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About Mohammed SHAFI

Mohammed Shafi is the founder, managing editor, and primary author of Mechanical E-Notes. He is an Assistant Professor (Department of Mechanical Engineering) at the Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology. He has a 6 years of vast experience in design, research, and data analysis. Shafi has co-authored two journals 1. Dynamic and Fatigue Analysis on Tillage Equipment  2. Welding Procedure and Testing Analysis on Mixing and Nodulizing Drum.

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